Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Princess Lieberman's New Bitch Fit

From smooching Bush to backing John McCain for president, nothing seems out-of-bounds in Princess Lieberman's continuing campaign to draw attention to herself. "It's all about me, me me!" She squealed again yesterday when warning the Dems she'd side with the GOP in filibustering health care reform.

WTF is wrong with this 67-year-old man-brat? I guess he must be buoyed by polls showing that the voters of Connecticut will back Lieberman however much of a giant douche he becomes. That and the generous allowance the health insurers throw her to keep her fully stocked with Barbies and Hannah Montana Blu-Rays.

But an estimated 45,000 people a year are dying as a result of health insurance company abuse and 1.5 million families are losing their homes for the same reason. And Princess Lieberman thinks her pathetic ego is more deserving of attention?

Ted Kennedy gets brain cancer and this pointless f*** is still in fine fettle? The world, as they say, is not a fair place.


  1. Liebershitz is basically a religious fundamentalist who will always side with the right on all issues. He is a democrat only in name to retain his office from the people of liberal Conn. If it's good Joe's fundie religious sect, it's fine by him.

  2. Maybe I'm being harsh in indirectly wishing death on Lieberman... but it's almost a "if you could go back in time and kill Hitler" conundrum. People will die because of him if he does scupper reform. Unlike the GOP, he doesn't even have an ideological excuse.

  3. RL, His ideological excuse is the Jewish State, hence, anything remotely related to it.


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