Wednesday, October 28, 2009

GOP Acorning AARP

In what could well turn out to be a move tantamount to a suicide bid, the all-powerful GOP hate machine is now going after the AARP for its backing of 'Obamacare'.

Does anyone in the GOP even see a problem with attacking America's geezer union when most of their support comes from embittered over 55s? Are they banking on the 8% of 18-29-year-olds who support them instead? Or maybe they're going for other Republican strongholds like the dizzying 7% of Latinos or the magnificent 4% of black folks who still approve?

The party of 'no' is rapidly becoming the party of 'who..?'. And while I can't help smiling about that, there is still a nagging worry that when one party in our two-party system implodes it could really f*** with democracy.

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