Friday, October 30, 2009

Senator Man Child (R-TX)

It's not that comforting to conclude you have a child representing your interests in the Senate. But is there any other reasonable description for John Cornyn (R-TX)?

When asked by a Fox PAC talking head this morning whether "anything had changed with regard to death panels" in the new healthcare bill, Cornyn replied:

"Well we haven't been able to read the bill in its entirety, because it's 2,000 pages long. That's certainly something we'll be focusing on."

Two things: this 'tard is whining about having to read 2,000 pages because, apparently, it's just too hard. Plus he intends to focus on an entirely non-existent issue when he does get around to blowing the dust off his reading glasses. Great to see our own Senator Cretin doing such sterling work.

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