Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pope v. Public Option

"What's that, boss..? Still no on rubbers and screw the uninsured? You got it."

Not content with encouraging the spread of AIDS around the planet by way of homicidally irresponsible directives on birth control, defending child molesters and generally being a giant dick in the name of Jesus, the Vatican Mafia is now denouncing healthcare reform.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is urging priests around the country to speak out against the legislation from the pulpit this Sunday because the bills are "seriously deficient on the issues of abortion and conscience."

Two realities:

1. A spokeswoman for Rep. Lois Capps, a Democrat who crafted the abortion funding language in the House bill, stressed that "public funding cannot be used to fund abortions."

2. The Catholic Church does not give a flying f*** about helping the poor or living up to any other of those pesky divine directives that would interfere with cashflow or diminish its appeal to wingnuts.

As they say, may God protect us from his followers.

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