Saturday, October 31, 2009

Another C***servative 'Doh!'

Conservatives really ain't that smart. They yell and hate like champions but the old thought process remains an enigma to most of them. So it was when the WH released its visitor list and the wingnut herd stampeded at the news that Obama had been entertaining some dubious types.

Some dickweed at Townhall posted a few of the worsts:

George Soros - 4 times
Bill Ayers - 2 times
Jeremiah Wright - 1 time
Micheal Moore - 8 times
Micheal Jordan - 5 times
Unions Boss Richard Trumka - 8 times
Union Boss Andy Stern - 21 times
Alan Greenspan - 8 times

The comments section went into uproar. First up:

"Trumka is bad enough but understandable ... this election had consequences. Wm. Ayers however? Known individual that particpated in urban terror? In our White House? Obama is just dumb. As if this won't be used against him at the next campaign."

There seems to be some kind of new rule in effect these days. Whenever a wingnut accuses someone of being dumb, they will be proven to be waaaay dumber. Just in case any apoplectic wingnuts are interested, 'Bill Ayers', 'Jeremiah Wright' and 'Michael Jordan' were unrelated people with the same names. Altogether now..."Doh!"

1 comment:

  1. More code talk. Obama is "dumb" for having a diverse group of people visit the White House. Obama is "dumb" for having members of his own party and political persuasion visit the White House. Obama is "dumb" for entertaining old friends from the neighborhood.
    Anything to prove that Obama is "dumb." Afterall, how bad is it to these scumballs that the smartest president we've had in over 100 yrs is a black man?


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