Friday, October 23, 2009

F*** Olympia Snowe

So the word is that the White House is opposed to the new public option with the strap-on opt-out clause. Why? Because they're still doggedly and lamely running after Olympia f***ing Snowe like the b*** is more important than making healthcare available to people who need it.

I'll wait and see. But if Obama does pussy out, he'll be playing out a pathetic narrative. How fondly will history (and the country) look on a president who let a bunch of insurance company loan sharks and some old bag from Maine push around the federal government?

Obama will go down as worse than Herbert Hoover - a presidency his is already growing uncomfortable reminiscent of.


  1. At this point I'm seriously wondering if Hilary may have been the better choice. In this situation (and others) she would have been much more forceful and hands on...and she wouldn't give a shit about what Snowe or any other rethug wanted.

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  3. Then we would have had a replay of the 90s wouldn't we?

    I actually wonder if we'd have had a better chance of getting healthcare reform with a McCain minority Repub government. Seriously. There would have been way more pressure to do something if you had that schmuck in office trying to defend an untenable status quo. The media, grassroots Dems and Obama himself would have been all over that.


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