Friday, October 23, 2009

Coup de Dumbass

When North Carolina Republican senator Phil Berger pushed a wheelbarrow full of Republican surveys into Democratic Gov. Bev Perdue's office, he thought he was executing a high-five-worthy dick move on behalf of the RNC.

But Berger hadn't bothered to read through many of the completed surveys before passing them on. So when the governor's staff skimmed through them, they found comments addressed to Berger's own party like "I am embarrassed to be associated with this organization. Your tactics are disgusting and you're going to lose a generation of voters" and "Stop wording questions so geared up to get the answers you want."

I still can't get used to today's Republicans. They're every bit the amoral slime they were a few years back when Karl Rove drove the bus. But somewhere along the road, they seem to have sloughed off a few trillion collective brain cells and regressed into the moronic amoral slime they are today.

Unfortunately I'm paranoid and I still worry it's all a Rovian tactic to lull liberals into a false sense of security... I can't get used to the dumb RNC.

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