Monday, October 26, 2009

Afghan Militants Catch Up With American Wingnuts. What took You Guys..?

Kabul, 2009? Nope. Redondo Beach, 2008.

Hadn't heard of any Obama effigy burnings abroad before. But now Afghan students have been lighting up after rumors of Koran desecration by US troops.

""Muslims were disrespected!" Zabiullah Khalil, an engineering student, said. "The foreigners shot the Koran, and then they burned it. They should be tried for this."

U.S. military officials denied any copies of Islam's holy book were desecrated and accused members of the Taliban of spreading the story to provoke animosity against the West."

It's easy to think of Afghanistan as some kind of unenlightened third world s***hole stuck in the neolithic era. But at least they're not burning Obama in effigy because he's black. You have to look a little closer to home for that kind of thing...

OH resident displays Obama hanging in effigy, admits racism (Fairfield, OH, 10-17-08)

Obama effigy found on U. of Kentucky campus (Lexington, KY, 10-29-08)

Obama effigy found hanging from campus tree (Newberg, OR, 9-24-08)

What's my point? Not really sure, but I wonder if our wingnuts would be proud or embarrassed that they're more than a year ahead of those 'radical Muslims'. Hell, Abdul, we been desecratin' Obama effigies round here since 2008... what took you guys so long?

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