Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Another GOP Fantasist

The GOP zombies are still, somehow, harping on about their 'historic' victory last night. They seem to be operating on the old principle 'keep on saying it, and it will become true'. Bless their stony cold, one-trick-pony hearts.

Newsbusters brain donor Scott Whitlock is accusing ABC's George Stephanopoulos of 'spinning' in an attempt to downplay the RNC's victory night:

"Former Democratic aide turned journalist George Stephanopoulos appeared on Wednesday’s Good Morning America to spin the loss of a Conservative Party congressional candidate in New York as a big loss for Sarah Palin."

Err... that's so spin-worthy I feel nauseous. Did someone hide Whitlock's dictionary and he couldn't remember that 'spin' was not a synonym for freakin' obvious? Let's go into it once more for the hard-of-comprehension:

"The NY-23 seat abdicated by Republican John McHugh went to Democrat Bill Owens and the CA-10 seat abdicated by Democrat Ellen Tauscher went to Democrat John Garamendi. That creates some simple arithmetic. Yesterday, Democrats had 256 voting members in the House. By week's end, they'll have 258. Last week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could afford to lose no more than 38 Democratic votes on a landmark health care reform bill. Next week, after Owens and Garamendi are sworn in, she can lose up to 40."

Geddit? Republican win? No. Democrat win? Yes.



  1. All the media outlets are going on about "Huge Victories for the GOP" "Dems Face Voter Backlash" None of them are mentioning the CA-10 race results and the NY-23 results are bottom of the page. I really don't give a shit about governorships...they are based on state-wide issues, not national issues...but congressional seats affect everyone. MC Steele going on about how electing two GOP governors in two worthless states is a wholesale rejection of Obama's policies by voters would be laughable if it wasn't getting so much press.

  2. Aint it amazing? Dems picked up two house seats and it's a big loss for them and a win for the republicans. How does that work? The fact that they squeeked through a victory for gov in two states where republo govs are the norm somehow become their huge victory and "transcendence."
    Fuck em.


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