Monday, October 26, 2009

RNC Facebook Now Purged of Racism. Sort of...

One of the pictures now purged from the RNC Facebook page.

The Republicans just removed a number of offensive user-posted pictures from its Facebook page. One picture referred to poor kids in India as 'scab-eating mouth breathers', another showed John Kerry being shot in the head and another showed Obama eating fried chicken with the caption 'miscegenation (i.e., mixed-race marriage) is a crime.'

No-one's claiming the pictures were posted or endorsed by the RNC. But there is widespread puzzlement why it took them an entire week to delete them - and then only after they realized they were about to become a news story.

A comment on the Discussion Board says:

"This Facebook page has just pulled all member-posted photos, probably due to news stories about to break about some racist photos that were here for a week before being deleted... Up until this morning, there were a bunch of photos in a gallery, posted by members. Some of them were pretty blatantly racist in nature."

If you give the RNC the benefit of the doubt, it could be that the photos were planted by mischievous liberal trolls. But why would it then take a week to clean them up? Maybe they didn't throw the s*** themselves, but it sure found a convenient sewer to land in.

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