Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hypocrisy Alert, Threat Level Red

Hypocrisy alert: Michael Ledeen goes spaz over Obama's senior thesis "Aristocracy Reborn" which says all kindsa stuff about wealth restribution.

Big hoo-ha ensues, Limbaugh quotes the paper as yet more damning evidence against Obama then... all goes quiet. Turns out Obama didn't write a senior thesis and the site Ledeen provided for his source was prominently marked 'satire'.

So, just one week after Limbaugh's 'bogus' racist quotes bit him in his fat ass and the whole wingnut blogosphere went ape painting the debacle as a liberal media witch hunt, what does Ledeen say? After conceding he was wrong and apologizing, he said "It worked because it's plausible."

Let's just savor the gigantic irony for a moment. We're supposed to believe Rush Limbaugh's not a racist because two out of his vast back catalog of bigoted quotes appear to be phony. But they stick Obama with a fake thesis painting him as a big ol' commie and all they say is "It worked because it's plausible"?

Eric Boehlert at County Fair says:

"Well, what do you know. Just one week after Limbaugh's pity party to commemorate how some nasty people made up two quotes and falsely attributed them to him, Limbaugh was back doing what Limbaugh does, hyping bogus quotes and falsely attributing them to Obama. In fact, even after Limbaugh found out the quotes were likely bogus, he kept repeating them on the air."

Modern conservatism: the moral vacuum created when no conscience meets no brain.

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