Saturday, February 12, 2011

Man-Cat Love Dares To Speak Its Name

It's Cat Guy week in LA. Animal rescue group "Much Love" explain on their site:

There are men in this country, in this city to be exact, that don’t march to the beat of the doggie drum. They like cats. And although it’s not the norm in society, they are proud to be known as Cat Guys. At first thought you might think these men to be on the softer side, but truth is they are anything but. They are some of the most manliest, most rugged, most testosterone-filled individuals on the planet. This week we celebrate Cat Guys and hope to add to their ranks.

Methinks the Cat Guy advocates protest a little too much and will have a hard job persuading the world there's nothing wrong with man-cat love. My considered opinion is that cats suck donkey d*ck and only undateable women and Richard Simmons have any business owning them.



  1. Whoa, now just slow down there Tex. I've got a cat the will kick much dog ass. . . including the three tough ass dogs I've got hanging around my farm. This cat is about 12 lbs. of muscle and twisted steel. He scares me sometimes. . . makes me realize how formidable something like a small mountain lion might be.
    Come on dude, I'm tryin to get along with you here. Take it back or I'll post something really insulting about Texans. . . and you know how easy that will be.

  2. I'm not backing down on house cats but outside cats are different - they have a job. An unemployed dog is OK to have in your house but an unemployed cat? They're just needy assholes who whine for food, rip up your couch and don't even have the good manners to kiss your ass in return like dogs do. But, yes, if cats are living outside doing cat stuff fine.

  3. House cat, barn cat, whatever, you're on thin ice here Herb. I might have to send Kitty down there to talk to your dog.

  4. At the moment, we have an elderly mutt who's going blind and losing her teeth and a pug who likes trying to make friends with cats and getting himself scratched. I think your cat would indeed make bitches of them!


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