Thursday, September 9, 2010

Obama v. The Koran Burners

Obama has publicly come out against the Koran burners in Florida and called their stunt a "recruitment bonanza" for al Qaeda.

See... conservatives are helping to create private sector jobs.

With everyone from the UN, NATO, Hollywood celebs and state leaders all voicing disapproval, I'm sure Terry Jones must reveling in the publicity his pathetic hate church is generating. As my blog ally Sagacious Hillbilly said "The pitiful thing of it is, 30 yrs ago this would have been a little side bar human interest story at the end of some Saturday news program."

That's certainly true. But we weren't trying to 'win Muslim hearts and minds' back then with billions of dollars and thousands of American lives at stake. Now, just as the world's most powerful financial center was brought to its knees by a bunch of cave-dwelling malcontents out of Afghanistan, the best efforts of America to bring stability to Iraq and Afghanistan risk being derailed by a joke preacher who don't like them Muslims.

Terrorists like bin Laden and Terry Jones pose a very uncomfortable dilemma: how can reason and moderation ever beat extremism? Even as 'leader of the free world' with limitless military and political power and 300 million people in its corner, America can still be put on the ropes by random fanatics with axes to grind. Worse yet, how do you convince Muslims that Terry Jones only speaks for a small and obnoxious minority when so many of us seem easily persuaded that al Qaeda's fringe lunacy represents mainstream Islam? God, Allah, whoever... help us!


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