Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Islamaphobes Establish New Benchmark For Insanity

I think this might be a tipping point. Finally, the Islamaphobes have gone from being fearful, hate-mongering goons and skipped right over into fully-fledged insanity.

Fox reports on the "bitter controversy" surrounding the monument to Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pa. Apparently, it's an "obvious tribute to the terrorists" because, somehow, it looks like an Islamic symbol. Erm.. not seeing it... but then I'm not tripping on 'shrooms today.

A recent newspaper ad placed by said wackjobs says "the Field of Honor clearly resembles an Islamic crescent and star, and that the entire site is orientated toward Mecca."

The Parks Department in cahoots with al Qaeda? This stuff is starting to make David Icke look rational.



  1. It looks like a Native American sand painting . . . that the connection! Sand! We all know that Islamics all live in the sand!

  2. We should all know that sand is the geological erosion matrix of the devil. They need to use something American like gravel or the terrorists have already won.


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