Can we just cut this "liberty" crap once and for all?
The mainstream GOP and the Teaparty nutjobs are both vehemently opposed to the idea of net neutrality protected by law. This is because it would be an "affront to free speech and free markets."
Teabagger please... you don't give a f*ck about free speech. In your world, even your own free speech plays second fiddle to the "free" market agenda. All you care about is greasing the corporate pigs by making sure as few rules as possible slow them down on their way to the trough. You don't give a flying f*ck about individual liberty or the Constitution because to you, corporate freedom to screw the public trumps individual freedom every time.
So why not be honest? Quit with the weasel words and fake populism. On net neutrality you stand for the corporations just as solidly as you did over healthcare reform. You don't believe in liberty, you believe in serfdom. You are not a citizen. You are a volunteer peasant.
Maybe my judgment is a bit harsh... so I'll make this promise: If anyone can provide me with just one example of a Republican argument favoring citizens rights over corporate rights made at any time during the last 100 years, I'll take it all back. Git Googlin' wingnuts...
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