Friday, July 30, 2010

Ronald Reagan a Traitor? Another Republican "Doh" Moment...

Iowa Republicans are seeking the reinstatement of a long-abandoned constitutional amendment that barred Americans from accepting "Titles of Nobility" from foreign powers under penalty of loss of citizenship. Naturally, they see this as a way of toppling Obama by stripping him of his citizenship for accepting the Nobel Peace Prize last year.

It's an odd bit of dumbassery given that (a) most of the addled lunatics who'd back the idea don't think Obama's a citizen anyway and (b) it's amazingly stupid.

But just in case Republicans decide to seriously push this fiendish plan, they might like to bear in mind:

Americans who have received honorary knighthoods include former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Steven Spielberg and former presidents George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan.

So if Obama is to be de-citizenized for accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, I look forward to them also posthumously exiling Saint Gipper, P.B.U.H., for accepting a knighthood from the British monarch no less. Guess they didn't really think this one through... doh!


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