Saturday, June 25, 2011

El Diablo Alive & Well in West Texas (Let's Face it, Who The F*ck Else Would Want to Live There?)


A conference on evil and the unknown compelled hundreds to gather at a weekday presentation offered by the Catholic Diocese of San Angelo. About 700 individuals from all over West Texas traveled to San Angelo Monday for a seminar on exorcism and diabolical influence.

"It's one of the best presentations we've ever had," said Bishop Michael Pfeifer with the Catholic Diocese of San Angelo. "It's something very, very unique. The people were enthralled, and they had so many questions to ask."

I have a question: I think my watch must be bust... what f*cking century is it again?


1 comment:

  1. "Bishop Michele Pfiefer? Wasn't she that hot chick from the movies back in the 80s?


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