Monday, November 15, 2010

Chipping Away at Hypocrisy, One Closet at a Time...

Jim Swilley, Georgia megapastor, has come out. Another anti-gay Christian finally emerges from the closet and tries to put a lifetime of hypocrisy behind him. Swilley claims that the Rutgers University student suicide in September made him rethink his position:

"At a certain point, you are who you are... My position is not about gaying up the church, it's about people being who they are."

Fine. But I'm still amazed how guys like Swilley can stomach the stiflingly judgmental environments of the organizations they choose to belong to - either before or after they decide to cop to being gay. Like Log Cabin Republicans, what makes a person want to collaborate with an organization that seeks to punish them, either through withholding civil rights or through hell fire and damnation? Hypocrisy aside, it's just plain weird.


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