Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Them Troubling Fact Things

I watched Olbermann in a hurry last night. But I got a few fairly startling takeaways I'd missed on other news:

1. With all the thuggish hoo-ha surrounding the "Ground Zero" mosque, it's odd to learn there used to be a mosque on the 17th floor of the WTC south tower. Even odder yet, the news media haven't bothered to remind anybody about this. Instead, they prefer to present the new community center two blocks away as something new and alien. If more Americans knew the WTC itself used to contain a mosque, it could be a reminder to them that regular Muslims were just as much the enemies and victims of extremists as everyone else. But the media has chosen to withhold this tidbit lest it messes up the simplistic conflict narrative they like to push.

2. Far from the apocalyptic descent into mega debt the Republicans keep shrieking about, the Obama administration is shrinking the deficit. Even Fox admits "The August shortfall was 13 percent less than recorded a year ago." The year's deficit is projected to be 1.3 trillion - down from 1.4 trillion last year.

3. Republicans are vowing to block tax cuts by filibustering Obama's plan to keep the Bush-era tax rate on the first $250,000 of everyone's income. Ergo, they are running on a platform of raising taxes for everybody, super rich included. How do they get traction with this apparent suicide move? Because the MSM is playing Bizarro World rules and presenting reality in reverse. As the AP says "Senate Republicans say they'll block tax increase". This is literally insane. It's like arguing that the sky is green and the grass is blue. WTF???


1 comment:

  1. This mosque is, according to what I've read, 2 whole blocks away from the WTC site. I've done a lot of walking in NYC. Two blocks is quite a distance. Not sure how far, but it's a ways. How far from the WTC site does anything Muslim have to be? Can a Mid Eastern Market be 3 blocks away? Can there be a Persian rug store one block away?
    Really, somebody needs to define what the rules are.


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